The automatic filter series can be customized and can even be used in high-stress applications. Various special models are available to our customers. Automatic filters with heating or cooling jackets, models with special materials, high – temperature and pressure models for oil refining application.
Mechanical coalescers are applied in oil and gas industries worldwide for removal of water or hydrocarbon condensate, by definition coalescers function as a separation tool for liquids.
Coalescing filters are used to separate water droplets from solid particles carried in the stream, the can be used in chemical, oil and other industries. l from compressed air using a coalescing effect.
This filters are designed and manufactured for specific applications in our facility. All filter internals are always build from minimum of AISI-304 (1.4301) stainless steel material, higher grades like AISI-316, TI, L grades are also available. Body / vessels can be build from multiple selection of materials for a wide range of applications. The robust construction of the filter makes it suitable for separating of practically all liquids.
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